Are you feeling tired, drained, maybe even hopeless over something in your life? Please take heart as you read on...
Waiting for clinic, with my new organ donation awareness pin! Quick PSA: it's as important to have the conversation with your family about your wishes, as it is to sign up to be a donor. They have final consent. Thank you donor family!
Today I was reminded of God's incredible promise to breathe new life into dry bones, and I realized how incredibly he is fulfilling this promise in my life! Wow! I am struck by this opportunity, and honoured to be a living example of this.
As I have been recovering and continuing with a heavy routine of physio, tests, appointments, and medications, I've maintained huge gratitude and an awareness of what God has done. And yet it's still been "close" or "small" as in something that happened to "just little old me" in my "little world".
Then today I got a text from my wonderful boss, Graham, who is with our Church Planting Canada gathering in Alberta (that I so wish I could be attending!):
Our CPC board chairman, Brian, sharing news of the miraculous transplant and healing I'm experiencing. Praise be to Healer God!
I was struck with the bigger, the biggest picture here: God is doing this work always. He is always doing new things, breathing new life, seeking out what is dead and calling it to life. And not as life before, but into NEW life, something before unseen, unknown.
These new lungs are extraordinary. They are far better than my last, with no chronic coughing or phlegm production, with deeper capacity, with strength I haven't felt before. While they are still very much integrating and it isn't without pain, they are such a gift. This process has opened up many opportunities to share God's goodness, to encourage others on this journey, to accept help and offer others the joy of giving. It has changed me, not just my lungs and health.
I am continually thankful to God, to my donor and his/her family, the medical teams who continue to support me, and "my people", all of you who walk with us in this new life! So much in my life has been changed, deepened, rendered more clear and beautiful during this time. I wouldn't trade it for anything.
So what are the "dry bones" in your life, those areas where you know death is looming or has taken hold, where God is seeking to make over, not as before, but better? How are you holding on in grief or fear or control to what God is longing to restore, but first needs you to relinquish? What dryness do you need to acknowledge in order for refreshing and change, new life to flow?
I would love to talk about it if you're willing to share!
- K. Anna